Fitness Programs

12 Day Winter Workout Program Fitness Programs

We all know a regular workout routine is so important for staying fit and healthy, yet winter season rolls around and motivation flies out the window. I get it – it’s dark when your alarm goes off, and it’s freezing outside – it’s enough to make anyone curl up with a blanket and say forget it.

Don’t let the winter season be an excuse to stray from your fitness goals this year! I’ve rounded up some of my favorite calorie-burning workouts that can all be done from the comfort of your home to get you through this holiday season in tip-top shape. Follow along with this 12-Day Winter Workout Program to stay on track, and have fun working out at home with limited equipment.

How To Use This Workout Program

Each of the workouts included in this program can be done indoors in the comfort of your own home. With the busyness of the holiday season in mind, each workout in this program is intentional and efficient, ranging from 10-30 minutes. Make the most of your time spent exercising so you can get on to your to-do list, whether that be shopping for gifts, planning your holiday menu, or simply soaking in some quality and needed R&R.

This program includes bodyweight, dumbbell, and cardio workouts. Each day, I’ve planned a specific workout, so all you have to do is come back to this article and press play on your workout for the day. Below each workout, you’ll find the equipment needed so you can make sure you’re ready to go before you get started.

If you don’t have access to the equipment needed for a workout, that’s okay. For workouts including dumbbells, find something weighted in your home like cans or water bottles. If you don’t have a cardio machine at home, try walking, jogging, running, or hiking instead. Don’t let a lack of equipment hold you back from getting a great workout in, be open to alternatives and make it work!

Let’s take a look at the workouts so you can make a game plan for the next 12 days!

12 Days of Winter Workout Schedule

Day 1 – Lower Body HIIT

Equipment Needed: Yoga Mat (optional)

Day 2 – Cardio

Equipment Needed: Rower, Bike, Treadmill, Mini Stepper, Elliptical (optional)

Pick one of the following:

Day 3 – Arms & Abs

Equipment Needed: Yoga Mat (optional)

Day 4 – HIIT Cardio

Equipment Needed: Rower, Bike, Treadmill, Mini Stepper, Elliptical (optional)

Pick one of the following:

Day 5 – Full Body

Equipment Needed: Yoga Mat (optional)

Day 6 – Cardio

Equipment Needed: Rower, Bike, Treadmill, Mini Stepper, Elliptical (optional)

Pick one of the following:

Day 7 – Core & Recovery

Equipment Needed: Yoga Mat (optional)

Pick one of the following:

Day 8 – Upper Body

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Yoga Mat (optional)

Day 9 – HIIT Cardio

Equipment Needed: Rower, Bike, Treadmill, Mini Stepper, Elliptical (optional)

Pick one of the following:

Day 10 – Lower Body Tone

Equipment Needed: Yoga Mat (optional)

Day 11 – Cardio

Equipment Needed: Rower, Bike, Treadmill, Mini Stepper, Elliptical (optional)

Pick one of the following:

Day 12 – Full Body





Recommended Products:

Obsidian Surge Water Rowing Machine

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Magnetic Belt Drive Premium Cycle Bike

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Stride Zone Magnetic Elliptical Machine

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