Health & Wellness

College Students’ Brief Guide To Health and Wellness: 10 Tips Health & Wellness

Going to college can be the most exciting time of your life. However, going to school and having other obligations like work, family, and socializing, can take a heavy toll.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way.

This brief guide will show college students ten helpful tips on maintaining health and wellness when attending college.

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast can give you the energy that you need to help you get through the day. But skipping breakfast will make you feel drained and not up-to-par.

So, eat a good breakfast in the morning. If you don’t have time for a complete breakfast, eat a healthy snack on the go. Eating something can help kickstart your metabolism and give your brain the energy it needs to think and process at it’s best.

2. Track What You’re Eating

As you eat during the day, keep track of what you eat. Sure, you can get away with cheat meals and snacks. However, too many cheats can affect your health and energy.

Therefore, you may want to keep a journal that helps you track your food and drink intake. If you see a recurring pattern in your journal that is concerning, consider fixing it. For example, switch your everyday bottle of soda to a bottle of water.

3. Practice Moderation When Drinking

Drinking parties might seem like fun. However, drinking in excess can affect your health and wellbeing. Plus, hangovers can be overwhelming after a night of drinking. So, if you’re going to drink, do so in moderation.

4. Consider Walking Or Biking To School

While it might be easy to take a car or bus to school, walking or biking can help to increase your calorie burn and add exercise naturally into your day.

If you live close to school, try walking to class. Or, if you have a bike, use it to go to and from school. Walking and biking are great ways to exercise.

5. Know When You’re Stressed

College can be stressful in many ways than one. Homework, studying, exams, etc. No matter your situation, you’ll be subject to some kind of stress when attending college.

Unfortunately, stress can introduce you to the following health issues:

  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Low energy
  • Panic attacks
  • Rapid heartbeat, etc.

That’s why it’s important to know the warning signs of stress. After acknowledging the signs, make it your job to tackle stress.

6. Tackle Stress With Helpful Techniques

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, then take some time to practice techniques for stress relief. Here are some ways to help you cope with stress:

  • Take up a new hobby, or revisit an old one.
  • Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal.
  • Hang out with friends and family.
  • Listen to music.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Take up exercising.
  • Practice breathing exercises.

By managing stress, not only will you feel better, but you’ll also perform well academically.

7. Have A Schedule

Need to keep track of your daily needs? Need some sort of structure in your day-to-day work?

Stick to a good schedule. When creating a schedule, consider the following factors:

  • Classes (especially if you have multiple ones)
  • Work (e.g., part-time or full-time, or even an internship)
  • Socializing (e.g. hangouts, parties, etc.), etc.

Having a schedule allows you to keep track of your activities and do them without having to scramble for time.

8. Get Plenty Of Sleep

While it’s tempting to pull an all-nighter when it comes to studying for exams, don’t do it. You need the sleep.

It’s important to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep, so that you feel well rested, and you’re not stumbling when it comes to the big exam. Plus, sleep allows you to regain energy for the next day so you can put your best foot forward.

9. Practice Gratitude

Having gratitude in your life allows you to be happy. Instead of feeling stressed when you see someone doing better than you, accept your flaws and work towards bettering yourself. That’s gratitude at work.

To practice gratitude in your every day life, you can keep what’s called a gratitude journal. In your gratitude journal, write down what you’re most grateful for in your life.

10. Talk

Finally, if you need additional help in maintaining health and wellness, then feel free to talk to someone. Talk to your parents, a trusted friend, a counselor, a pastor, or someone else that can help you manage stress, as you attend college.


As you head to college, be sure to keep these 10 helpful tips in mind. By practicing positive health and wellness, you’ll have a great college experience. Good luck!



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