
Run For The Oceans 2022: Let’s make the impossible happen! Cardio

Are you ready to Run For The Oceans? The movement to help end plastic waste through sport is back this year!

Save the date! From May 9, you can sign up to join a millions-strong global movement of conscious athletes on the adidas Running app. We’re in this together.

For every 10 minutes you run between May 23-June 8, adidas and Parley for the Oceans will clean up the weight equivalent of 1 plastic bottle from beaches and coastal communities, with a max weight of 250.000kg /500.000 lbs.

We’re calling on our fitness community to prove Impossible is Nothing. Can you help?

On the surface, the future of our oceans seems bleak. But we see possibilities.

Our planet needs us. Plastic pollution in our waters is tipping our ecosystem past the point of no return. 

Some facts about ocean plastic pollution

  • Plastic pollution affects at least 700 marine species
  • Plastic takes centuries to break down.
  • Plastic swallowed by sea life is ending up in our bodies
  • 91% of all plastic around the world is not recycled
  • The equivalent of 1 garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans every minute

We asked adidas Runtastic ambassadors what the ocean means to them and why they’re taking part in Run For The Oceans. Julia Wameser, adidas Running captain in Tokyo, said:

The ocean reminds me of where we all came from. It’s the origin of life and such a powerful element. I run for the ocean because it is important to clean up what we have done to it, to keep the cycle of life running! Not only for us, for every single living thing, from almost invisible small plankton, up to the biggest creatures on this beautiful planet…

Here’s what you can do to help

By signing up to the challenge, you’re taking a big step for sustainable-minded sports! 

Here’s how Run For The Oceans works:

  1. Sign up for Run For The Oceans on the adidas Running app
  2. Invite friends and family to join
  3. Track runs and other sports with the app from May 23-June 8
  4. Share your progress and inspire change!

Outside of these two weeks, let’s commit to living with less plastic and thinking of eco-friendly solutions for our everyday needs.


  • Say no to plastic straws
  • Switch to reusable water bottles (try stainless steel or glass)
  • Bring a cloth bag to the grocery store
  • Take advantage of recycling programs.
  • Avoid beauty products that contain microbeads
  • Join a beach cleanup in your local community

Julia, our ambassador, says:

I think a major reason for plastic pollution is human convenience. It is more convenient to use single-use items than to wash and store them for reuse. But we should be forward-thinking. For example, an eco-bag can be used instead of using plastic shopping bags. Make sure you have when you leave the house.

The minutes you track mean marine-saving actions

Since 2015, adidas has worked with Parley for the Oceans, a nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving our seas and marine life.

Thanks to the minutes you’ve tracked during Run For The Oceans, Parley’s Global Cleanup Operations has cleaned plastic waste from beaches, remote islands, rivers, mangroves, and high seas and intercepted ocean-bound plastics in coastal communities.

With over 400,000 volunteers in 30 countries, Parley for the Oceans is catching on from Argentina to Australia. They aim to be in every country with a coastline by 2030.

Through education, community engagement, collaborations with cleanup groups, and innovative products, the next generation of Ocean Guardians is making a difference.

Sign up to Run For The Oceans!

Sign up now to the Run For The Oceans challenge. You can start tracking your first activities for the challenge on May 23. 


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